Monday, January 22, 2007

new high

Now that's what i'm talking about! The psei showing signs of waking up! And waking up big time! This is the effect of the santa claus rally from the last week of 2006. i hope that it will reach its minimum upside of 3,150 in a few weeks time :) with the market having gains of more than 1% in a trading last january 12, 15 and 18 which shows that the market is truly bullish! I think that as of the moment i can say that the market can surpass the 3,400 mark. But i really dont know if the market could reach it this year or some time next year. But its almost sure that were going to go over it. There are still some good finds in the market. URC is trading sideways as of the moment. That is a good stock to buy at P18 or at a lower price. But be ready to hold it for 5 years or more. :) i've held stocks of this company for almost three years now and i still don't have any plans of selling. This is the first stock that i bought when i decided to be a value investor. I bought 4000 shares of urc at P6.40 on june 24, 2004 and the rest is history. :) it reached a high of 24.50 and technically its minimum upside is 31. :) but well even if it reaches 31 i still don't have plans of selling it. Hehehe there's a stock that i kinda like right now. Its gsmi because its trading at such a big discount. Its trading at a 30% discount right now but the problem that im trying to figure out is that.... the last few years the sales of ginebra has suffered because of stiff competition from tanduay and im not a big fan of ginebra's management. That's why im thinking this over. Well there are still sleepers in the market. SGI and ASIA are good bets. :) v can also be good with the upcoming ipo of its subsidiary yehey. I believe that JFC will have a good year and i just made a new high which is good news for tsupiteros. :) EPHI is also a sleeper. I will tell you next time of this stock that i have been looking at that selling at a bargain right now. :) god bless to everyone. :)

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