Wednesday, November 08, 2006

in the long run.....

i was in shanghai for almost a week and what can i say? its beautiful and their culture is interesting and so rich! i was really impressed it was like i didnt know that china is now world class :) i was made a believer of the saying that ""in the long run china will will win" :) china's big advantage over the rest of the world is that everything is cheap in china and it helps that they devalue the yuwan :) that is their main edge over the us. i believe that it is just a matter of time before the us economy will falter and china will survive. as they say the higher you are the harder the fall :)china is taking jobs away from us citizens and corporations will be forced to open factories in china because it is cheap there and that is the only way for them to stay competitive. how can a country progress when its people have no work and means to support themselves??? consumer spending will go down and crimes will go up! if you compare to china to its counterparts in asia like singapore and hong kong it still has a long way to go and yet it is already very progressive. and toi think that its counterparts are aleady adults whoi;e china is just a baby learning how to walk! can you imagine what it will be in another 10years? china is announcing its arrival as one of the big players in the world with 08 beijing olympics and 10 shanghai expo. the next question i would like to ask you is will the philippines go ur with china or will we go down with the us? that is something for us to think about.

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